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BVFV Opening for Routine Care on 5/4/20!

I am happy to announce that we will be re-opening for routine vision and medical eye care beginning on 5/4/2020! As we all expect, businesses in our community will be experiencing a “new normal” from this point forward. We’ve been preparing!

We are committed to keeping our office and guests safe at all times! I have put together a comprehensive plan, adding extra cleaning and sanitizing measures and procedures based off of CDC guidance and recommendations. So, what does this mean, you ask? We will be operating with the following precautions in place moving forward:

  • Our optical is open by appointment only for frame selections, adjustments, repairs, and pick-ups.
  • Guest appointments will be spaced out to no more than one per hour, so we have plenty of time to clean/sanitize before our next guest arrives and maintain social distancing.
  • We require all staff and guests to answer health screening questions and have their temperature taken before entering. Any guests with a temperature of 99.0 °F or higher will be asked to reschedule.
  • All guests are asked to use the provided hand sanitizer upon entry and before checkout.
  • Since Personal Protective Equipment is in high demand, we ask everyone over age 2 to wear a mask (cloth or disposable) during their visit. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided to you. The doctor and staff will be utilizing all appropriate PPE during your visit as well.
  • We will be cleaning the office with CDC and EPA-approved disinfectants to safely sanitize all surfaces. ALL FRAMES that are tried on are sanitized between every guest.

Please come out and support small community businesses like mine. We are here for you!


Dr. Allspaw